Prior to joining Simmons Wolfhagen, Chris Hill operated his own legal practice for 4 years focussing exclusively on personal injury claims, particularly motor accident and workers compensation claims.

Before  that , Chris Hill has spent over 16 years working for CTP insurers (motor accident personal injury insurers) in Tasmania, Queensland and New South Wales. Most recently he was the Chief Operating Officer of the Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) in Tasmania, with responsibility and oversight of the MAIB claims area.

Chris Hill knows almost everything there is to know about motor accident personal injury claims (CTP claims) and this knowledge will give claimants an advantage when dealing with insurance companies.

His experience includes over 7 and a half years as a Senior Executive at the MAIB and 9 years working for other CTP insurers, including Suncorp (Queensland) and GIO (NSW) as an Executive, Manager and Lawyer.

Prior to working for insurance companies, Chris worked in a private legal practice in Brisbane focussing on motor accident and workers’ compensation claims.

Chris has a particular expertise in fatal accident claims (claims by families whose loved ones have died as a result of an accident).